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Simpson County Academy Student Admission Policy

Simpson County Academy is an accredited, coeducational, college preparatory school for grades K3­-12. Enrollment is open to students who meet entrance requirements and who progress satisfactorily in both academics and conduct.

No student will be admitted without proper documentation from school previously attended. Records from previous school must show grades earned and standardized test performance. In addition, students will be required to take an entrance exam for proper grade placement.

Enrollment at Simpson County Academy must follow these guidelines:

1.  Parents and prospective student must file an application of admission and meet with the Headmaster. This application will be reviewed by the admission's committee. Parents must also sign a drug testing consent form and submit it with the enrollment application.

2.  Students presently enrolled at SCA who are in good standing academically and behaviorally and current on fees and tuition will be allowed to pre­register for the following school year before enrollment is opened to other students.

3.  Students will be enrolled on a probationary nine­-week period. Academic progress and conduct during this period will determine continued enrollment.

4.  Students may only be enrolled if there is a vacancy in that particular class. The SCA policy on enrollment capacity must not be exceeded.

5.  Students must provide a copy of the following documents:  birth certificate, social security card, updated immunization record, elementary or high school transcript, current grades, parent's driver's license, and any legal custody or guardianship papers.

6.  Transfer students with previous discipline problems may be asked to submit criminal background check provided to SCA before being considered for enrollment.

7.  Failure to disclose prior suspensions, expulsions, arrest, or positive drug test can result in the termination of the application or enrollment.